The Diy Powerwall Wizard app was designed and created to be used as a tool to help you build your own off-grid projects.
With this app you will get inside information on how many cells do you need to create a battery pack using 18650 cells or how many solar panels do you need to recharge your batteries fast.
It has 3 mayor tools to help you in every step of your Diy project:
-- Battery Pack Wizard: A tool to calculate how many cells you'll need for a specific storage capacity.
-- Watts Calculator: Do you have a device that needs to be off-grid for a few hours? use this tool to calculate how much power you are going to need in storage capacity.
-- Solar Panels Calculator: This tools is to help you figure out the amount of power you are going to need to recharge your batteries during the day.
-- Video Tutorials: Learn how to make Powerwalls step by step. This parte of the app will be constantly updated to make sure we are up to date with the new trends.
Aplikasi Wizard Diy Powerwall direka dan diwujudkan untuk digunakan sebagai alat untuk membantu anda membina projek luar talian anda sendiri.
Dengan aplikasi ini, anda akan mendapat maklumat mengenai berapa banyak sel yang anda perlukan untuk membuat pek bateri menggunakan 18650 sel atau berapa banyak panel solar yang anda perlukan untuk mengisi semula bateri anda dengan cepat.
Ia mempunyai 3 alat utama untuk membantu anda dalam setiap langkah projek Diy anda:
- Wizard Pek Bateri: Alat untuk mengira berapa banyak sel yang anda perlukan untuk kapasiti storan tertentu.
- Kalkulator Watt: Adakah anda mempunyai peranti yang perlu berada di luar grid selama beberapa jam? gunakan alat ini untuk mengira berapa banyak kuasa yang anda perlukan dalam kapasiti storan.
- Kalkulator Suria Suria: Alat ini adalah untuk membantu anda memikirkan jumlah kuasa yang anda perlukan untuk mengisi semula bateri anda pada siang hari.
- Tutorial Video: Ketahui cara membuat Powerwalls langkah demi langkah. Bahagian aplikasi ini akan sentiasa dikemas kini untuk memastikan kami bersesuaian dengan trend baru.
The Diy Powerwall Wizard app was designed and created to be used as a tool to help you build your own off-grid projects.
With this app you will get inside information on how many cells do you need to create a battery pack using 18650 cells or how many solar panels do you need to recharge your batteries fast.
It has 3 mayor tools to help you in every step of your Diy project:
-- Battery Pack Wizard: A tool to calculate how many cells you'll need for a specific storage capacity.
-- Watts Calculator: Do you have a device that needs to be off-grid for a few hours? use this tool to calculate how much power you are going to need in storage capacity.
-- Solar Panels Calculator: This tools is to help you figure out the amount of power you are going to need to recharge your batteries during the day.
-- Video Tutorials: Learn how to make Powerwalls step by step. This parte of the app will be constantly updated to make sure we are up to date with the new trends.